Heres is some of the recent projects i have tinkered with
Projects for CS50 in C - Coins, Mario, Credit card, ext keep adding
Created a discord bot with insult, event, d20, ext functions in python
Home server - Removing windows from old laptop, installing linux ubuntu - 7 days to die server - Palword server
plex server, portainer -> docker this is where i went crazy and redid everything in a docker container.
put together a mini server - - bought computer and put together, installed ubuntu server and figured out SSH
installed portainer, docker, all the things previously on laptop server.
created a docker image of the discord bot that was on my main computer and spun it up in the server to have constantly running
figured out html/css and started to design a website, (this one) designed the first page then started playing around with css to style it
bought the domain and figured out how to redirect the traffic to me, set up a nginx docker container to serve for webhosting